No subject

Sun Dec 9 10:19:21 EST 2007

Re[exp(jNwct)*(1 + 0.5*beta*N*{exp(jwmt) - exp(-jwmt)}]
Re[exp(jNwct) + 0.5*beta*N*exp(jNwct + jwmt) + 0.5*beta*N*exp(jNwct -jwmt)]
cos (Nwct) + 0.5*m*N cos((Nwc+wm)t) + 0.5*m*N*cos((Nwc +wm)t)

2) Bessel functions are only necessary to calculate the amplitudes of
the various components, their functional form is unaltered.

3) The even harmonic FM sidelobes are in effect amplitude modulation
components of the signal.

4) The phase sensitive detector used in phase noise measurements is
insensitive to AM.


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