[time-nuts] FreeBSD, NetBSD, or Minix-III?

Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Sun May 17 23:32:17 UTC 2009

> If a carry occurs between the two high readings, then we can expect
> the  low reading to be close to 0 on either side of the wrapping.
> Which side determines which holds the right value. If the wrapping of
> counter happend before reading the low part, then the low part will
> be just above 0 where as if it happends just after the low read but
> before the high read, the low read will be just below the maximum
> counter value. 

I'm interested in the case where interrupts and scheduling are enabled so 
there may be arbitrary gaps inserted into the simple code.  My rule-of-thumb 
for "works right" is that the final answer has to correspond to a time 
between the first read and the last read.  (Anywhere in there is OK.)

I though I had convinced myself the above scheme would work, but now that I 
try again I'm not so sure.

I think this case doesn't work right:
  read high
  long gap
  read low
  read high

Suppose the low half overflows once a second so I can use handy numbers.

If the long gap is 0.6 second, the MSB of the low half will be on so we use 
the first high sample.  That corresponds to a time 0.4 seconds before the 
overflow.  That's outside the first-last window.  (I'm assuming all the reads 
and checking take negligible time which seems reasonable if we are talking 
about 0.6 seconds of gap.)

I think there is a mirror image case:
  read high
  read low
  long gap
  read high

Suppose the long gap is 0,6 seconds so the low half will read 0.4.  The MSB 
will be off so we use the second high sample.  That will produce an answer 
0.4 seconds into the future.

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

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